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Building Strong Relationships


As an Odd Fellow, you gain a new group of friends and family in the members of your Lodge, and a vast network of Brothers and Sisters worldwide.

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Honoring the past

Bury the Dead

Especially in New Orleans, care for the deceased is an important part of our lives and traditions. Under the Odd Fellows mandate to 'bury the dead', Crescent City #73 works to help maintain local cemeteries and to educate the public about cemetery maintenance and tradition.

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Caring for our community

Relieve the Distressed

Crescent City #73 is an active supporter and participant in many local charities that work to feed and support those in need, and we are always on the lookout for new ways to fulfill mandate to 'relieve the distressed.'

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Become a part of an ancient tradition

Become an Odd Fellow

The busy, friendly family of Odd Fellowship embraces several degrees and organized units of the Order to give each member a wider opportunity for participation. In addition to the Odd Fellow Lodge, Rebekah Lodge, Junior Lodge and Theta Rho Girls Club we have the Encampment Degrees and Auxiliary which teach sublime and useful lessons and the Patriarchs Militant Degree and its Auxiliary which comprise the uniformed group of the Order.

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You gain a new family in the members of your Lodge and a vast network of Brothers and Sistersworldwide. By joining Odd Fellows with your friends, it helps to…

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As a manifestation of Love for our fellow humans, Odd Fellows practice aid to others as a cherished precept. The historic command of the Odd Fellow is to “Visit…

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Be a part of the HISTORY and the MYSTERY. As an Odd Fellow you get to be a member of one of theworld’s oldest and largest fraternal Orders. We…

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International Order of Odd Fellows

Crescent City Lodge #73

Help yourself to a new way of life. An Odd Fellow or Rebekah lodge is a good place to be. And, it’s lots of fun. You’ll like meeting good people, making new friends, enjoying the pleasures of new experiences. It’s where the action is in most communities. Sports, socials, dances, parties and get-togethers are all part of the active life of Odd Fellows and Rebekahs today.

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Who are the Odd Fellows

Dedicated to Helping Others

Visit the Sick

Last year our lodge collected over $700 of new clothing and toys for patients at Children’s Hospital New Orleans.

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Relieve the Distressed

We work closely with multiple local food charities to collect and distribute food to those in need.

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Bury the Dead

Our lodge supports the maintenance of Odd Fellow’s Rest and other local cemetaries.

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